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Three minutes

Fri, 26 Jan


Santa Margherita Ligure

Three minutes
Three minutes

Time & Location

26 Jan 2024, 21:00 – 23:30

Santa Margherita Ligure, Via delle Rocche, 31, 16038 Santa Margherita Ligure GE, Italy

About the event

At the Circolo Arci in via delle Rocche in Santa Margherita Ligure, Friday 26 January, special event of the "Cinema al Circolo" film festival for Remembrance Day. Made in collaboration with Arci Genova, UCCA Arci and ANPI Section Silvio Solimano “Berto” Santa Margherita Ligure – Portofino – Rapallo.

For the occasion, “TRE MINUTES” directed by BIANCA STIGTER will be screened.


Start of show: 9.00pm Free entry, reserved for Arci members.

“Three Minutes” by Bianca Stigter (Netherlands, United Kingdom, 2021, 69′), narrated by Helena Bonham Carter and produced by Oscar-winning director Steve McQueen (“12 Years a Slave”). The documentary opens with a three-minute amateur film in 16mm. The images are crumbling and the colors are pale, but we can see some people of all ages gathering, glimpses of a small-town landscape that could be anywhere in Europe, with some smiling faces, some leaving a synagogue, some who mind their own business, and that's all. When the voiceover breaks in we discover that in 2009 a man named Glenn Kurtz found that three-minute reel in his parents' closet in Florida. The footage was shot by his grandfather David in 1938, on holiday in Europe, in Nasielsk, a Polish community inhabited mainly by Jews and David's birthplace. It is a rare document showing what the city looked like before the Nazi occupation, where fewer than 100 people survived the Holocaust. The film is unique in its originality and marks a distinction in the conception of the documentary, so much so that it was invited to 16 of the most prestigious international festivals, from Venice to Toronto to the Sundance Festival.

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