Regulations for publication on Tigullio Eventi
It must be an event open to the public
The event can be free or paid but prices and methods of purchasing tickets must be described in detail
To be a publishable event it must have unique characteristics that make it so. For example, if a restaurant organizes a discounted dinner it is NOT an event, but if it organizes a special evening with a gastronomic themed dinner and possible entertainment, it is publishable.
Any booking methods must be explained in the description
The event must be proposed by a natural person who can be contacted via email or mobile phone for any checks or clarifications. The identity will not be published on Tigullio Eventi unless the proponent includes it in the description. The personal data of the proponents will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties.
All information requested in theform, none excluded
The proposer, when he clicks on I accept the regulation in the form, guarantees that all the information reported is truthful and guarantees that he has all the rights to be able to publish them, texts, documents and images included and indemnifies Tigullio Eventi from any liability on the intellectual property of the themselves.
Gulf of Tigullio - Genoa - Italy
all the fun, culture and entertainment of the Gulf of Tigullio