presentation of the book "The maypole".
Fri, 02 Feb
|civic library “A. and A. Vago”
Time & Location
02 Feb 2024, 16:30 – 18:00
civic library “A. and A. Vago”, Via Cervetti Vignolo, 16038 Santa Margherita Ligure GE, Italy
About the event
As part of the planning of the literary review “Meetings with the Authors”, organized by the Library Services of the Municipality of Santa Margherita Ligure, Friday 2 February, at 4.30 pm, at the “A. and A. Vago” in via Cervetti Vignolo in Santa Margherita Ligure, the historian and lover of local traditions Giorgio “Getto” Viarengo presents his latest book, entitled “The maypole. Landscape, food and cuisine in Eastern Liguria", published by the Internòs publishing house.
Once upon a time, tradition, in this case the culinary one, was in direct relationship between the landscape of the gardens, the countryside, the surrounding hills and mountains, with the kitchen, understood as a place for processing raw materials. During the meeting, the author will talk about how the cuisine of Eastern Liguria has evolved over time, how for example the process of preparing bread has changed - an absolute symbol of the essentiality of food - how with the "texts ” (the archaic ceramic pans), the “testaieu” were produced and cooked. How salt arrived in the kitchens and how far it traveled, between our sea and very distant places, beyond the Apennines... and of many other customs and traditions linked to food and the products of our land.
Entrance for the public is free. For further information you can call 0185 205454, or write by email to
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