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Wonderful Vision: Hell

Mon, 25 Mar



Wonderful Vision: Hell
Wonderful Vision: Hell

Time & Location

25 Mar 2024, 21:00 – 26 Mar 2024, 23:30

Chiavari, Via Martiri della Liberazione, 131, 16043 Chiavari GE, Italy

About the event

  • MONDAY 03/25  hours: 9.00 pm

Mirabile Visione: Inferno, directed by Matteo Gagliardi, is a docu-film that questions what Dante Alighieri might think of our world if he came back to life today. Based on this, Professor Argenti (Benedetta Buccellato) guides the students of her class in the descent towards Dante's Inferno, illustrating the interpretations and meanings of the words of the great poet and retracing the same journey made by Dante. The students thus discover a more revolutionary Dante, thanks also to the presence of Father Guglielmo (Luigi Diberti), a sort of spiritual guide, like Virgil, who expresses and represents the Christian message during the journey into the underworld. Each circle of Hell is adapted to our modern society and the great evils of our era are illustrated in this way, affected by contradictions, by the capitalist crisis, but above all by the climate-environmental one that has affected the entire planet.

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