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“The Agave on the Rock” your library's reading group!

Sat, 13 Jan


Palazzo Fascie Sestri Levante

“The Agave on the Rock” your library's reading group!
“The Agave on the Rock” your library's reading group!

Time & Location

13 Jan 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Palazzo Fascie Sestri Levante, Corso Colombo, 50, 16039 Sestri Levante GE, Italy

About the event

Sala Bo, Palazzo Fascie in Corso Colombo 50


The monthly meeting of the library reading group will be held on Saturday 13 January at 10am in Sala Bo (first floor of Palazzo Fascie, Corso Colombo 50).

Registration is free, free and open to all, and you can register at any time.

During the meeting we will talk about the bookKlara and the sunby Kazuo Ishiguro.

For information and registration you can contact the libraries or write to:;

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