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Genoa. However and everywhere

Tue, 06 Feb



Genoa. However and everywhere
Genoa. However and everywhere

Time & Location

06 Feb 2024, 17:15 – 23:30

Rapallo, Via Gaetano Muzio, 6, 16035 Rapallo GE, Italy

About the event


  • 5.00pm
  • 9.00pm

Genoa anyway and everywhere, the documentary directed by Francesco G. Raganato, traces the history of one of the longest-running and oldest fan clubs in the history of Italian football, that of Genoa. Its city is Genoa and its symbol is the Grifone, a team strongly rooted in Genoese culture. The passion for Genoa goes beyond sports support, through interviews and testimonies we come into contact with the deepest soul of being Genoa. People who come from extremely different worlds, linked by football faith and love for their city. An identity that does not take into account the law of the market or the gigantic business that football is today. It tells the story of a united and integral community driven solely by passion and what is defined as "an illness" that is passed down from generation to generation.

The film sees the extraordinary participation of Marco Rossi, Domenico Criscito, Diego Milito, Rodrigo Palacio, Goran Pandev and other legends and personalities of the club.

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