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Fantastically”, readings for children and families

Fri, 09 Feb


Riva Trigoso

Fantastically”, readings for children and families
Fantastically”, readings for children and families

Time & Location

09 Feb 2024, 17:00 – 18:30

Riva Trigoso, Via Benedetto Brin, 2, 16039 Riva Trigoso GE, Italy

About the event


Readings for children and their families with free participation, inclusive and accessible meeting moments, to give everyone the opportunity to follow and participate according to their own level of understanding and attention span, using language appropriate to the age of the participants. Together with the narrator, the children will experience all types of narration and book experiences: reading with the kamishibai, the silent book, the comic book, rhyming books, musical and sound books, even special books with windows or read in the dark illuminated by the flashlight. The intent is to arouse curiosity, entertain and excite. The events, dedicated to children and families, are part of the projectBorn to Read which offers free reading activities to families with children up to 6 years of age that constitute an important experience for the cognitive development of children and for the development of parents' ability to grow with their children.

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