Anatomy of a fall
Fri, 31 May
Una donna è sospettata dell'omicidio del marito. Il loro figlio cieco dovrà affrontare un dilemma morale essendo l'unico testimone.
Time & Location
31 May 2024, 16:30 – 01 Jun 2024, 23:30
Chiavari, Via Martiri della Liberazione, 131, 16043 Chiavari GE, Italy
About the event
- TUESDAY 16/01 at: 8.30pm
- WEDNESDAY 17/01 at: 8.45pm
Anatomy of a Fall, the film directed by Justine Triet, takes place in a remote area of the French Alps. Sandra (Sandra Hüller) is a German writer who lives in a mountain chalet with her husband Samuel (Samuel Theis) and her blind 11-year-old son Daniel (Milo Machado Graner). One day Samuel is found dead, immersed in the snow in front of his house. His death is judged mysterious, the investigators suspect that it may not have been a suicide and decide to investigate. The main suspect in the murder is his wife Sandra who is officially indicted. A year after the man's death, the writer and her son Daniel are summoned to court for the trial. When the woman is questioned about her relationship with her husband, the portrait of a difficult and tormented relationship emerges. The woman shows a sometimes disturbed personality and her son, forced to watch, experiences a profound internal conflict. When Daniel is also interrogated, the story turns out to be even more intricate...
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